Thursday, September 20, 2007


"Kanna, what would you like
butter from the earthen pot?
buttermilk, perhaps..
gulp it down and
let me wipe your upper lip
with my saree edge.

Off you go now,
Let me watch
your leela
to my heart's content...."

But then, this Kanna of mine,
Asks for mashed potatoes
with a lil butter
and herds dogs
calves unseen.

Recipe - mashed potatoes

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Off the anchor

What other time could be more auspicious to flag off, if not now - in the silence of this night, the lights dimmed just right, the glass of wine half empty and light jazz fills the room. The heart is set for the maiden voyage, testing waters as I sail through. But then, the fun is always in the search, not the find. So be it; for my journey matters, not much the destination.

This space is for my little one. If he will ever get to read this, I don't know. But then; I wonder.

What if?

What if he does.

Maybe then, I should be pouring my heart out.